Thursday, April 03, 2014

Little by little, we travel far ...

April 2013 - The foundation

Me - 2013

April - 2014
Time - it's such a gift. We can do so much with it.

Lat year, we had a new home built and this week, we have been working on the outdoor landscaping. I couldn't help but think back to last year and how excited I was just standing in the lot - imagining how it would all turn out! Lots of dirt and dreams :) ...

As I dug holes yesterday and dropped bushes into them, I smiled and thought - WOW, look how far we've come! (Again, lots of dirt and dreams.)

It's been a busy year and I appreciate the following quote that holds so much truth.

Little by little, one travels far.
J.R. Tolkien

Much like this house project, I imagine, at the end of our lives, we'll look back and say: WOW, look how far we've come and how much we've grown. :)

Cheers to time and the journey we each travel.

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