Thursday, January 01, 2015


Last night, my family and I went to see "Unbroken" ... I was drawn to the movie due to it being based on a true story and the fact that it was about a runner. (I like running stories).

Anyhow, it was painful to watch. I almost had to get up and leave. The war beatings and conditions were more than I could handle on the big screen. I wanted to jump into the movie and make it stop.

It's a movie I would only see once. Once is enough. The story is touching, brutal and inspiring.

I went to sleep the last night of 2014 thinking of the movie and the main character and his ability to survive. How did he survive? How did so many of them survive being prisoners of war in Japan? They were subjected to the worst possible conditions and treated worse than animals.

We talked about it this morning ... The main character survived because of his optimism, his hope and his strong will to survive. He was tough and had incredible mental strength!

This movie will stay with me for a long long time ...

And it inspired me to make sure my mental strength is strong and that my ability to see the good (at all times and in all places) remains strong as well.

Happy 2015!

Cheers to being strong in mind, body and spirit!

Unbreakable. It's a good goal.

On a final note, he was able to heal and move on after his horrible treatment due to his ability to turn to God and forgive! Forgiveness matters.

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