Monday, March 12, 2007

Filled with good stuff ...

Hershey's kisses are one of my favorite little bundles of yummy goodness. Especially the ones that are filled with mint, cherries, caramel, peanut butter and so on.

My husband and I taught a workshop on Saturday for teens (ages 14-18). Our topic was: Am I doing anything right? Our answer to them was: YES... and then spent the class time helping them recognize and discover all the things they were doing right. It was a fun afternoon!

For the closing ... we gave each person a hershey's kiss and I told them this -

These kisses are filled with good stuff. But remember that YOU are filled with greatness... And we encouraged them to take their greatness and do something with it.

PS - there's greatness in you too :) ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your inspirational thoughts. VERY UPLIFTING!