Thursday, May 15, 2008

{Superwoman cape - use it!}

Yesterday, my oldest son (who is in middle school) forgot to take his freshly washed PE uniform to school. I realized I still had time to drive to the school and get to his locker before the first class began. I grabbed the uniform and dashed for the middle school. To my surprise, there were kids everywhere all wearing strange wigs and funky hair. I completely shocked my son when I touched him on the arm at his locker and said, “You forgot this.” His first period teacher was standing there and said, “You fit right in – it’s crazy hair day!” I laughed really hard at that one! (Hey when you need to be a hero, you don’t stop to look gorgeous).

PS: Do you have a red Superwoman cape? I do! This cape gives me powers beyond the normal average powers that come with being a woman. If you don’t have one – I recommend you get one! Cheers to super powers ....!!

PS: click on the cape photo above to see it better!
The little hook holding the cape reads - hers.


Jennie Stanfield said...

Love it! What a great story...and the HERS super hero cape....that's what I'm talkin' about. Now you deserve to wear that one. Love you.

Jennica said...

You are super mom. I don't know if I would have done the same thing. What other super powers do you have?

idahomayos said...

I am seriously in need of a SuperWoman Cape about now! :) Love your post. You are a super mom!