Where's the phone booth when you need it?!
There are some days (some weeks) when you just have to be SUPER WOMAN ...
The past week has been my chance to really test out my super mom/woman powers!
WOW ...
I used the powers to - create a pirate prisoner costume at midnight ...
Arrrrrrrr you ready for the stage matey? (Crew yells - "Aye Captain!")
The powers are still being used to get organized: We're finally moved into our new (temporary for the time) home! Ahhhhh - will the boxes ever end? :)
Ultra super powers needed - to get everyone where they need to be (on time). :) Oh wait, we might need to clear a pathway to the front door!! Let me use my super strength to clear the way ---***(zip zap)*** ok all clear let's move!
I think its time to assemble the rest of the Justice League:) ----
There's just a bit too much for one super hero to do!
Cheers to Super powers :) - Happy Halloween EVE ---- Get spooky with it!!
Ahh, the joy of moving and unpacking. I had a hunch that you were the real SuperWoman, but I wasn't sure. But I am sure you guys are really going to enjoy living in your new "home" for the next year or two. We'll miss you and Happy Halloween tomorrow!
Jennica! Hi superlady :) --- I don't have a power that makes saying 'good bye' easy... we'll miss you guys too! Thank heavens for the blog o'sphere! Happy Halloween!! :)
Happy Halloween, SuperWoman!
Well...... looks like you don't even need a costume to become superwoman!!! :D Wow!! Hope you use your superpowers to get all settled in... & then conquer other little life obstacles!
A spooky, ghoulie Halloween to you!!
Haha, loved this post! I know how you feel since I've moved a zillion times. Good luck with all that work and try not to feel overwhelmed because I know it's hard not to.
By the way, if you get a chance, go vote for my ghost story since I'm a finalist. Voting only lasts today!
Happy Halloween!
Lookin' good here. I cannot read the black writing...change it right away--it gives me a headache and I want to read your posts! Love you.
Jennie - Hope the headache is gone! :) Thanks for the feedback. I gave my blog a 'makeover' ... I hope your Halloween was wonderful! Love you.
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