Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Anatomy of a Moment

Sunset on the Oregon Coast - July 2009 ... Breathe it in, soak it up!

Welcome to August! This month, we’ll be exploring, appreciating and mostly celebrating the little moments that make up our lives.

Point to Ponder: Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the big stuff and forget about all the little moments that over time add up to LIFE!

Let’s explore for a moment the anatomy of a moment. A moment is right now. A moment occurred the second you woke up and enjoyed the breath of this brand new day. A moment happens every time you choose to acknowledge it and appreciate it. If we don’t recognize the moments – they slip away unnoticed.

Below are 3 simple ways to recognize, appreciate and celebrate the moments that matter –

Focus in the NOW
– Look for all the beautiful blessings and lessons that each moment has to offer.

Dwell in the positive and ask yourself the following question – What is truly great about this moment?

Celebrate the moment – Write it down, breathe it in and share it with others.

PS: During this month feel free to post up a moment that matters to you and let me know about it! I’d love to share it here on my blog! We’ll celebrate the moments that matter together!

1 comment:

* said...

Only sixty seconds in it. A minute can hold the world. Great thoughts!