Leavenworth, Washington
{The Enchanting Little Bavarian Village}
Last Saturday, we loaded our car (with kids, sleds a couple of movies and a few munchies) and headed for Leavenworth. This little town is nestled in the mountains and is completely charming and enchanting! We wanted to be part of their tree lighting ceremony and found ourselves with thousands of others counting down 10-9-8 until the town lights were all shining! We bumped into Santa Clause, a reigndeer, Father Time and even met a big fuzzy bear. It was such a magical day for us! I highly recommend visiting Leavenworth during the holidays… There is nothing like standing on a dark winter night in a crowded street full of thousands of people singing Silent Night ...
PS: Good Morning America recently filmed their show live from Leavenworth as it was chosen as one of the top 5 places in the USA to enjoy a display of holiday lights!
Feel free to visit the Leavenworth website:
{The Enchanting Little Bavarian Village}
Last Saturday, we loaded our car (with kids, sleds a couple of movies and a few munchies) and headed for Leavenworth. This little town is nestled in the mountains and is completely charming and enchanting! We wanted to be part of their tree lighting ceremony and found ourselves with thousands of others counting down 10-9-8 until the town lights were all shining! We bumped into Santa Clause, a reigndeer, Father Time and even met a big fuzzy bear. It was such a magical day for us! I highly recommend visiting Leavenworth during the holidays… There is nothing like standing on a dark winter night in a crowded street full of thousands of people singing Silent Night ...
PS: Good Morning America recently filmed their show live from Leavenworth as it was chosen as one of the top 5 places in the USA to enjoy a display of holiday lights!
Feel free to visit the Leavenworth website:
Photo credit: Our son Kade
That looks beautiful! And so much fun! Our family needs to take a little time to do something like that this season. Our plan is to go into NYC the day after Christmas to see the lights and window displays there. However, there is nothing like a lovely, lit up, little mountain town.
If you are going to Leavenworth again, drop by our site first to see what is happening in town. We've built a site with a whimsical tone from a tourist's point of view. We have a blog of our travels and things we've found there that we like.
Visit us at http://www.AccidentalBavarian.com
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