{Something from the past that somehow makes its way to the present}
When I was younger, my parents didn’t have a TV in the house they had a radio but I hardly ever remember it on. As kids, we had no idea there was a bigger world out there full of entertainment… we knew about being kind, working hard and couldn’t wait for the taste of Mom’s homemade bread. (Ahhh simple were the days…)
Our world changed the day 2 teenage boys moved in across the street. You see, these guys owned records! In fact, they had quite a collection …
When they heard we didn’t have TV or knowlege of the latest radio hits, they decided to educate us on the cool, hip tunes of the time. And one afternoon (just as the sun was setting), they slipped my older brother Travis something we had seen very little of - a record!! OH this was better than Christmas ... He ran home to show me the 'goods'. We made a plan to listen in the night ...
Our parents did have a record player so when they went to bed, we dug it out! And when we were sure everyone was asleep we played the mysterious record …What was it?
“Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd.
I’ll never forget the look on my older brother’s face as the song began to play … He suddenly became a rebel without a cause and we had Pink Floyd to thank for it! We played it at least 50 times that night and knew we would NEVER be the same …
Cheers to Flashbacks from the corners of the mind and to records in the night!!
Give it a listen ...
I like that story.
Your parents are wonderful!
I bet they knew what was going on too.
You better eat your meat or you're not gonna get any pudding! You're not gonna get any pudding if you don't eat your meat! I have one more thing to say.....(please continue to insert badly faked English accent here) We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control.....Thanks for the flashback! Also for the visit to Slug's Rest! Love, from Mrs. Slug
Babbler, Oh those words they hang out in the corners of my mind! Here we sat (my brother and I) in complete ahhhh - "Teacher leave those kids alone..." Thanks for 'flashing-back' with me Mrs. Slug!! :)
lol, what a fun memory!
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