"When life throws you Lemons ... Make PINK lemonade!"
Eva's house sent me this award today - Thank you :)! Apparently, this little 'lemonade stand' is given when someone thinks your blog is positive/filled with happiness ...
As part of the fun, the lemonade stand logo has a few instructions -
1.- Put the logo in your blog/poner el logo en el blog
2.- Nominate 5 - 10 blogs for having great attitude!/ Nominar de 5 a 10 blogs
por su buena actitud!/
3.- List and link the nominees/listar y poner link de los nominados
4.- Comment this award in their blogs/Poner un comentario en su blog
5.- Nominate your favorites and link to your post/Nominar los favoritos y poner el link en el post
My Pink Lemonade Winners -
Shaela - Love her creativity, upbeat attitude and positive posts!
Jennie - My sister, friend and happiest artist around
Kami - My old college roommate, my web designer, awesome fiction writer, true friend
O. Joy - Takes beautiful photos, lover of life, big heart, she is an expert on Gratitude!
NaDell A go getter, a great mom, happy in the kitchen and very organized!
Mr. & Mrs. Slug The cartoons on this blog make me laugh out loud - love it!
Rebecca - A beautiful singing Librarian - love all the info this lady shares...
Alyson - She and I go way back ... I think she was one of the first people to ever comment on my blog posts:) I love her writing style and her gorgeous photos...
(To those I have not met face-to-face - I can hardly wait)
One of these days we'll have a HUGE blogger reunion (imagine the hugs!!)
Ladies - Thanks for sharing so many wonderful moments via your blogs!
You make a difference ...!!