Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Look up ...

Ever notice how life seems to speed up as you get older? Remember as a kid how it seemed forever for Christmas to finally arrive? And now – as soon as you finally get things tucked away from last year’s Christmas it’s time to pull it out again. … Time really does fly.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day things and forget that each day matters. The people we meet, the places we go, the new things we learn add up over time and with time become our life.

I was driving my children to school today and at one particular spot of the drive, I looked up and saw something I had never noticed before. It was an address sign beside a medical center that we pass every day. I thought to myself: Has that always been there... What a beautiful sign it simply makes the entire building look better. And then I laughed out loud. I drive by that sign at least 6 times a day and have for the past year and have never noticed it before.

Why? As I reflected on that simple and sometimes not so simple question I realized we don’t look up and notice things when we get caught in time flying by. Right in that moment, I decided I need to take a break every now and again from the warp speed of time and slow down to enjoy the scenery and signs of life along the way. Sometimes we get so focused on the end result that we forget to enjoy the journey along the way.

I don’t know about you but at this Christmas season ...
I’m going to slow down and look up!


Kylene said...

Lovely. I will try and look up more this season. :)

Sara said...

Wendy I love the updates and the pictures of your house. Great Job!!

idahomayos said...

Great post! Thanks for the reminder! Merry Christmas. Love you!