{Tumbleweed Music Festival 2008}

Cheers to Labor Day ... and dancing fish! :)
In the photo: Kaleb (on mandolin), Wiggles the dancing fish, Tory Christensen on bass and Chris Christensen on guitar.
PS: Want to send your kids to school with a warm fuzzy?! Here’s how –
Buy some fuzzy, sparkly craft balls (I found mine at Wal*Mart) then simply glue a clear bead (again I found these at Wal*Mart) to the back of each fuzzy ball. Then use a small, thin key chain ring and attach the fuzzy to the backpack zipper.
Ta-dah – love from home!!
"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best."
- Oscar Wilde
That quote seems appropriate for how I feel about the past week - it was the best! :)
Cheers to summer, concerts in the park, family and vintage cars from the past!