Saturday, April 04, 2009

Your Inner Compass ...

About 6 months ago, we moved from our house of 10 years to our present home. Just today, I emptied the last of my boxes. I had some amazing little ah-ha moments as I unpacked and thought I would share … (Just so you know, the last boxes were mine – in my office).

“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

Why do we take so long to take the first step?
For six months, I’ve looked at the boxes and thought I need to empty those.
Have you ever done that?! :)

“It's never too late ... to reinvent yourself”
~Patrick Lindsay

What was it about today that made me take action and clean out the boxes?
I found myself drawn into the office and I said out loud: "Something must be done in here!"
I opened the windows (let the sunshine in) and got to work! The cleaning out/organizing took half the day! And here it is 10:00 pm and I’m still in here – only now it’s clean (and I don’t want to leave). Funny how that works ...
Note to self: it’s never too late to start.

“The more you praise and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life to celebrate.”
~ Oprah Winfrey

What was it about the last 3 boxes that I dreaded so much?
First of all, the thought of going through anything more (after the move) was just too much to handle. Secondly, I didn’t want to deal with what was inside of them. Thirdly, I have been too busy to even attempt opening them up!

Are those excuses? Maybe – but it’s real.

So, today I had time, I had a need and I took the first step… In one of the boxes, I found some old letters from my family when I was in college. I read them and remembered some very fun and challenging days. I took a moment to pause and realize how far I’d come since that time. I even smiled at the thought of where I’d been, who I am and who I hope to become. It was a little celebration (of sorts) for my current place in time.

Today was a great day to clean out the boxes - I had time to truly appreciate the stuff inside them (and the stuff inside of me).

Note to self: When the time is right – you’ll know what to do.

Listen to your inner compass, take the first step and celebrate who you are.


Unknown said...

Wonderful insights and writing! Thanks for sharing.

Robin Wendell said...

Thanks ever so much for the nice post and inspiring thoughts. I think there is some office cleaning in my future on Monday:-{) Here's another quote --

"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."
Tom Robbins

Wendy Christensen said...

Julie - HI and thanks for the kind words!! :)

Jennie Stanfield said...

Ahhh...this is all so true. We just cleaned out our garage on's been like that since we moved know, I was pregnant, baby and life. But it feels great no doubt. Love ya.

Jennica said...

Funny how the last boxes seem to belong to the office. When we house sat for the Ross' there were 2 boxes that didn't get unpacked for almost a year. I wish my inner compass would give me kicks more often. Sometimes it's hard to find the motivation, but so worth it afterwards!