I sat up thinking the other night (I do that often – think before I sleep). Anyhow, you might be wondering what my pre-sleep thoughts entailed …
First, the thought began with modern technology and how it can sometimes rob us of beautiful moments in life. Let me explain my thought/idea. While growing up, there were no cell phones. Therefore, there were no text messages. In fact, there were no instant messages on any hand held device – well, unless it was a pad of paper and you wrote a note and passed it along to a friend. THAT was instant messaging in my day. And if you dared share an ‘instant message’ in class (at school), you hoped that it was never intercepted and read out loud by the Teacher. I still have some of the ‘instant notes’ from school days – written in ink by friends (some of who) have passed away and they are priceless. The ink has started to fade but the memory of the moment lives on! It was Speech Class and my friend, Keni, was letting me know that he was going to thrash me with his wit and knowledge in the Flag Burning debate. I think I wrote something back on the lined notebook paper that said: “Bring it on!”
OK back to the point – I agree that cell phones help keep us connected and are a quick and easy way to communicate with each other. However, I see a trend with the future generation that entails no eye contact or personal face to face communication skills. Think about it, it’s easier to ask a girl out via text than it is to her face. It’s also easier to break up with a little note that reads – U & me = no more.
You get the point.
I admit it, I’m old school – I love hand written notes, love letters on paper and face to face conversations. It seems to me that modern technology has robbed us of the need for those beautiful moments in life. When was the last time you wrote a letter and sent it via snail mail?
Just a couple of weeks ago, I received a thank you letter in the mail. It had to be torn open and there was a stamp in the upper right hand corner – OH I loved it! And it made me feel special because someone took the time to write something down, address it to me and send it off. Old school.
Don’t get me wrong – I love modern technology and social media and the instant way we can connect and communicate. However, some of my favorite little moments in life have to do with the real moments in life. The ones where you get together face to face, the ones where you call and hear a real voice on the end of the line and the ones where you read a note from someone’s heart and hand that simply let’s you know he or she cares.
This week – slow down … send a note via snail mail instead of text, call someone just to say I LOVE YOU and if you need to break up with someone – have the decency & guts to meet face to face and look ‘em in the eye to say U & me = no more.
Let me know how it goes.
P.S. – This note was not sent via mobile, via runtastic, via iphone or via BlackBerry – it was sent via my heart.