Friday, August 29, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kissing in the rain ...

I have the opportunity to teach the young women in church on Sundays. This past month the topic has been about love, dating and marriage. It's been great to discuss their thoughts and ideas on the subject of love.
I remember as a teen, being asked to write a list of the traits I would like in a husband. I shared with the girls a few items I remember that seemed so very important at the time ... wear cowboy boots, make me laugh, wear penny loafers (with pennies), write me love notes and so on. It was a long list! And I remember thinking my dream man would be perfect!
Thankfully, time and experience have taught me a great deal - and it was wonderful to be able to talk to the young women about the real things in a relationship that make it work or not work. Yes, love notes will always be important! My husband and I have been married for 21 years and together, we have learned and continue to learn how to make our marriage wonderful.
Don't worry - I didn't smother their dreams for romance and happily ever after. I just let them know that love isn't just about kissing in the rain and cowboy boots.
We talked about how love takes time. Love lifts you up. Love heals and mends and believes and is patient and kind. We also discussed how marriage takes work and effort and a desire to help another person be happy.
It's been a great month of conversations about love, marriage and the reason it matters.
Wait for it I told them. Your Prince will find you - or you'll find him!
Yes, I let them know that kissing in the rain is really romantic. :)
Mostly, I encouraged them to become the best version of them possible so that when the time was right to marry, they would bring good stuff to the relationship and would be able to stand the 'storms of life' that would most likely come!
It's the best adventure there is. LOVE. Marriage and family.
If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. …
It becomes special because you have made it so

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday Wisdom: Turn your can'ts into cans -

We all have things we believe we can't do. And when we believe we can't, we don't. So this week, turn a can't into a can and see what happens!

You might just see a few dreams getting wings and plans of their own ...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back to school 2014 ....

She rode.
He drove.

It's here, the first day of school!

6:30 am - My son drove off for his first day of his Junior year in high school. I waved and blew kisses. (I couldn't help myself ... I also wanted to shout: "Make good choices!" But I didn't.)

7:25 am - I rode my bike with my daughter to her friend's. As we were riding, I said something about us for sure needing to wear helmets in the future and she said: "Mom, you're not going to ride with me everyday ... are you?" No, I assured her. Just today. It's your first day of middle school!

Amazing how new school years have a way of helping us see time and it's flying wings - that never slow down or stop.

I hope my kids have a wonderful day!

Cheers to time and getting older and 'letting go' ....

Monday, August 25, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lessons from running

Running has taught me, perhaps more than anything else, that there's no reason to fear starting lines... or other new beginnings.
Endurance -
the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite
fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina

The beginning of a new school season always reminds me of cross country. And when I think of cross country, I think of endurance and the lessons I learned from running so many miles and races.

Some races were good. Some were bad. Some were awesome!

I have used those race lessons several times since those 'running days' and would like to share a few:

First, if you want to be good at something, you have to put in the practice - the miles, the effort and the will to win. Several years ago, my sister and I decided to run a cross country alumni race together. She was young and in shape and I was older and not in shape. What was I thinking? 3.1 miles up and down a course filled with hills and lots of spectators. Let's just say my sister left me in the dust and I finished but that was the hardest race I've ever run! Lesson learned: Practice and prepare!

Second, believe you can. Most often, we don't start something new or take risks because we doubt ourselves and our abilities. We convince ourselves that we can't and make excuses to support those beliefs. Next time you find yourself in the 'doubt zone', say this out loud: I think I CAN! And then do something to prove you can. Take that first step and build momentum with your belief. Before you know it, you'll be running at the top and looking back thinking: WOW! So glad I chose to believe. Lesson learned:  Believe and run forward!
Third, when you have a bad race, remind yourself that you can always do better next time. Life is full of challenges. If everyday was full of rainbows and sunshine, we would never learn to fully appreciate them. We need the 'rain' and 'stormy' times to help us appreciate the sunshine. Lesson learned: Be patient and kind with yourself on the tough, bad 'race' days. And then try harder next time.
Finally, Endure to the end. No matter what is going on in your life it pays to endure to the end. I'm not talking about staying or enduring an abusive relationship - or in something that is bringing you down in an emotional, negative way. I'm talking about never giving up. Never give up on your dreams, on your beliefs, or your will to succeed. Anything that is worth having, takes work, effort and endurance. We all have days when we want to throw in the towel, or quit the 'race'. Don't. The best feeling is crossing the finish line and saying to yourself: "I gave it my all!" or "I did my very best." Lesson learned: Run your race. Don't give up and keep moving forward!

PS: I'm cheering for you to run your race and succeed!
You CAN do this ...


Friday, August 15, 2014

You are stronger than you realize ...

“Stand tall and walk in the light … You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine. Your destiny is a glorious one!” From President Uchtdorf’s inspiring general conference address
“Stand tall and walk in the light … You are stronger than you realize.
You are more capable than you can imagine. Your destiny is a glorious one!”
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf