Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us or we find it not ...
we must carry it with us or we find it not ...

I am always drawn to the little nooks and corners in the shops where they tend to display their card lines. I could spend hours reading greeting cards and checking out the new, innovative ideas and designs of each card. It's my simple pleasure! I was so inspired by what I saw that I went right home and started designing my own line! :)
I have an appointment next week with a lady who may want to give them a little space in her store. Exciting huh?! I think so ...
Here are a few more of my simple pleasures -
Listening to Frank Sinatra, eating cottage cheese and peaches (with a little salt & pepper), laying awake at night and thinking, writing, reading a good biography, laughing with my kids, munching on salsa and touch of lime tortilla chips, sipping down a French vanilla Italian soda and dancing in the front room, holding hands with my husband, driving with the windows down, singing, and walking by the river.
Its your turn - what are your simple pleasures?!
Feel free to visit the Lemon Grass shop (online):
Hum...simple pleasures: laying in bed in the morning with Evan and Addy, listening to piano music, laughing with Jake, eating pudding with whipped cream on top, going for a walk all by myself, making meals for my family, enjoying really quiet moments when it's just me and my thoughts....ahhh, I could go on and on. Life really is made up for simple pleasures.
How exciting that you may be getting your own little nook in a store. Best of luck with it.
My simple pleasures...Leftover pizza for breakfast, watching old movies, a walk through the woods with my husband and daughter, twenty minutes to myself to working on a craft project.
some of my simple pleasures...a cool wispy autumn wind, a big chocolate lushious brownie with icing, the little juke boxes on the tables of diners, fresh towels out of the dryer, popping bubble wrap, and blogging! great post!
ahhhh the simple pleasures. Sometimes I think we need to enjoy them more! :) ...! Thanks for sharing the 'little moments that matter' in your lives... popping bubble wrap sounds fun, so does watching old movies and walking alone! Thanks ladies!!
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