Friday, February 12, 2010

Tennis on a Tuesday afternoon at my old high school.

I picked my two sons up from middle school on Tuesday and I sensed a restless feeling in the air. Ever had a day like that? The ho-hum of our everyday routines can sometimes cause us to get an itch for something new... The answer: Tennis at the park. We dashed home and grabbed the rackets and headed off for adventure. Tennis must have been the desire of the day because the courts at the park were full. This didn't stop us! There are several courts at my old high school. :) Yes - I attended a high school and we were called THE BOMBERS. (Another blog post for another day).

Funny. (Kaleb and Kade)

Adorable ... Lauren with her pretty little ponies. Luckily, there is a park right next to the tennis courts so she and Kaleb ran off to play while Kade and I played SEVEN matches.
I won 4. Kade won 3....
(Yes! I did a victory dance)


NaDell said...

If you ever need a tennis buddy, let me know. I played in HS too, but haven't figured out how to go and play with little kids at home.
I might even "let" you beat me. =)

Wendy Christensen said...

NaDell - I didn't play tennis in high school (I was too busy running long long distances!!) My son, Kade is the one who introduced me to tennis. I enjoy it! FUNNY about the "let" me beat you! :)