Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Guest Blogger - Julia Hathaway: Celebrate Every Day!

Did you know that there is a reason to celebrate almost every day?
Literally. I have to admit, I am not a big fan of the big holidays. Instead, I like to find joy every day by celebrating the hidden, the obscure, the ordinary little holidays that come each year. Let me give a few examples.
On February 15th I buy gumdrops. We've been known to make math graphs or build gumdrop structures with toothpicks on this day. Why? Because it's National Gumdrop Day!

March 14 (3.14) we make pies because it's Pi Day.

Every January our family tries to read 100 books for Book Blitz Month.
I discovered that one friend's favorite candy is jelly beans and so every year she gets a little jar of jelly beans on Jelly Bean Day.

My kids' favorite: National Park Week. I'm not sure if it's National Park Week or National Park Week, but we celebrate it in the latter sense.

During that week, each child has a day to choose which park to visit in our city. This is my favorite way to bring joy into the monotony of life. By celebrating these seemingly insignificant holidays I am given permission to build memories, to live in the moment, and to create joy in my life. These are the little moments that matter to me.--

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" - - 2 Cor. 3:17
Julia Hathaway / Blogger and Founder of S.M.I.L.E.
(Visit her blog and enter to win some really inspiring prizes!)
PS: Thanks for your positive energy and for the little reminder to slow down and celebrate! :)
YOU are inspiring!

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Such great ideas! Julia is such a great mom and an inspiration to us all!
I loved the park week a few years ago when she emailed some friends and told her when/where they were going to be during the week and invited us to join them. It was so much fun!
Finding ways to make fun is so fantastic!